

CSS Outline

CSS outline is just like CSS border property. It facilitates you to draw an extra border around an element to get visual attention.

CSS Outline Properties

CSS Outline. An outline is a line that is drawn around elements, OUTSIDE the borders, to make the element stand out.

CSS outline properties

The CSS outline properties draw a border ... This covers the outline shorthand, as well as outline-width , outline-style , outline-color and outline-offset .

CSS outline

2015年7月11日 — CSS outline ; outline-style · dotted; outline-color: ; border · solid red ; border · solid red ...

CSS outline

Definition and Usage. An outline is a line that is drawn around elements, outside the borders, to make the element stand out. The outline-style property ...

outline - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets

2023年2月20日 — Outline is a line outside of the element's border. Unlike other areas of the box, outlines don't take up space, so they don't affect the layout ...

outline-offset - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets

2023年2月20日 — The outline-offset CSS property sets the amount of space between an outline and the edge or border of an element.


2021年8月16日 — The outline-style CSS property specifies the style of an element's outline. What's an outline? An outline is a line that is drawn around ...

outline-style - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets

2023年2月20日 — The outline-style CSS property sets the style of an element's outline. An outline is a line that is drawn around an element, outside the ...